Sunday Club Runs
See Rides for destination, start times and leaders for the six sunday groups. Also shown are Pickup Points for those not starting at Clevedon Triangle. Indicative average speeds (may vary by terrain, route, weather) for each group are:
- Group 1 : 19+ mph average ~ 70 miles
- Group 2 : 17 – 19mph average ~ 70 miles
- Group 3 : 16 – 18 mph average ~ 60 miles
- Group 4 : 15 – 17 mph average ~ 60 miles
- Group 5 : 14 – 16 mph average, ~ 50 miles
- Group 6 : under 14 mph average, ~ 40 miles
The ordinary club run to elevenses and back is 50 to 80 miles. Some Sunday runs count towards ‘Captain’s Challenge Points’ and tend to be longer e.g. The Tour de North Somerset at about 80 miles. For more info on the Captain’s challenge and the club’s ‘Monuments’ see Rides.

Riding in a Group
There’s art to this that is improved with practise.
Global Cycle Network (GCN) host some helpful short videos on a wide variety of cycling topics of which at least two relate to riding in a group – they are worth a watch. The links are:
There are more YouTube offerings some good some bad and some that are specifically intended for racers that may also be of interest. The two offerings referred to above are generally helpful for club runs.

These are 10 mile time trials that run from the Drum and Monkey on Tuesday evenings from May to September.
The course is registered with CTT and run under their rules. Start time is 7.30pm (except the first and last of the season which are earlier), please turn up in time to sign on etc.
It costs just £4.00 for club members and £5.00 for riders who are a member of a CTT affiliated club.

Personal Responsibility
We are responsible for our own safety and when riding in a group that is still the case. Runs leaders will lead and do their best to keep groups together, however, you will want to know where the run’s destination is and how to get back home. So check a map before you set off, have the kit to repair a puncture, pack a mobile phone, dress appropriately for the forecast weather conditions, fit lights if appropriate and wear bright / reflective clothing. A quick look at the press will reveal that the most common mitigation for accidents is ‘I just didn’t see the cyclist’. Runs leaders will not take on ‘parental responsibility’ for the under 18s for whom a parental consent form will need to be signed and filed with the club. See here for further details.
Insurance: Club members must be members of Cycling UK or British Cycling. Both organisations offer members a wide range of other benefits including store discounts, legal advice, holiday offers, mapping and route information.